Correct setting is also key Let’s not sit with our backs to the light source, because anything that appears as a clearance or shadow will distract the audience unnecessarily. Wallpapers In the theory of photography, the spectrum is the image, everything we see in the frame, while the punctum is the detail that catches our attention. If during an online business meeting there is a beach, flamingos or a forest in the background, we will certainly not be taken seriously (unless this is the custom in the group in which we operate). Uniform, white walls turn out to be the best, but it is worth remembering not to sit next to the wall, but at a small distance from it.
There is no nee to make our message
That there is no impression of being unglue. Wallpapers available in applications are treate as unnecessary communication “noise”. weird. Savoir-vivre We dress appropriately for meetings. Remember that the camera does not like patterns or small dots, because it distracts and blurs the image. Let’s focus on a neat but business look. The dress Armenia Email List code can also be specifie in the e-mail that we will send before the meeting.: blog-small-preview-netiquette- ARTICLE Netiquette, or how to behave online in order to come across as a cool person Read It is good practice to inform in advance about the online meeting and its agenda.
We recommend reading
Let everyone prepare for it. to define the topic, ask questions and distribute tasks. It is also worth delegating a moderator who will take care of the detaile agenda, list the names of speakers, topics and will keep an eye on the time of speeches, introducing order. Tools Regardless of whether this is our first online business presentation or another, let’s BR Lists always check if everything is working properly: whether we have a good internet connection, whether everyone uses the same program and functions.