The student’s on the day of the insur person’s death or the pensioner ran the same household with him. Authoriz Amount of compensation One family member times the average salary. If the entitl person is a spouse or child, times the average salary. If another family member is eligible Spouse and. One or more children times the average salary, increas by. Times the average salary that is due for each child Two or more children times the average salary plus. Times the average salary, for the second and each subsequent child Spouse, children and other. The student’s family members Each of them is entitl to compensation in the amount of . times the average salary.
Regardless of the compensation
Due to the spouse or children Family members other than spouse or children This compensation is due in the amount of times the average remuneration increas by . times the average remuneration, for the second and each subsequent entitl person. Amounts of one-off philippines photo editor compensation from April , The amount of one-off compensation is publish in Monitor Polski in the form of an announcement of the Minister of Family and Social Policy MRiPS. Let’s see how they look from April , . Amount in PLN Basis for payment: Accident at work or occupational disease From April , to March , Previously . . For each percentage of permanent or long-term health damage.
For each percentage of permanent
Long-term damage to health, for an increase in this damage by at least percentage points . , Due to a declaration of total incapacity for work and inability to live independently of the insur person . , Due to a declaration of total incapacity for work and inability to live BR Lists independently due to the deterioration of the pensioner’s health condition . . If the spouse or child of the deceas insur person or pensioner is entitl to one-off compensation.