To rank a new site #1 for crit cards or debt consolidation. And they have $200,000 to spend..or even $2,000,000. We may able to get there for the short term but not with strategies that will stand the. Test of time. Of course, as I illustrat with the example on Search. EngineLand last month, the same strategy that works on a 14 year old domain may. Not be as effective for a newer site, even if you 301 that old domain. SEO is an art, not a science. As practitioners we ne to constantly be follow the latest developments but the real skill is in know when to apply them and how much; even then occasionally the results are surpris, disappoint or both. I think there is a bit of a chicken vs egg problem there then if a company can’t access a strong SEO without already hav both significant.
Capital & a bit of traction in the marketplace
As Google keeps mak SEO more complex & more expensive do you think that will drive. A lot of small players out of the market? I think it has already happen. It isn’t about the inability to access a strong SEO it is that anyone with integrity is go to lay out the obstacles they face. Time and time again we see opportunity for creativity. To triumph but the odds are really stack against you if you are an underfund retailer. Just last year I help a client with 450 domains who had been hit with Panda and then with a land page Egypt Phone Number List penalty. It took a few months to sort out and get the reconsideration grant (by institut cross domain rel=canonical and eliminat all the duplicate content across their network). They are gradually recover to maybe 80% of where they were before.
Panda but I can’t provide them an organic link
Build strategy that will lift 450 niche ecommerce sites. I can’t tell them how they are go to get any placement in a shrink organic SERP dominat by Google’s dogfood, shopp results from big box retailers and enormous Adwords Product Lists with images From that perspective, if your fund is limit, do you think you are better off attack a market from an itorial perspective & bolt on commerce after you build momentum (rather than start with ecommerce and then try to bolt on itorial? Absolutely. Clearly the BRLists path is to have built Pinterest, but seriously… if you are passionate about someth or have a disruptive idea you will succe (or maybe fail), but if you think you can copy what others are do and carve out a niche bas.