There are social buttons and sticky menus . navigation “glue” to the top ege of the workspace), but they do not absorb attention as much as, for example, ads or excessively long sidebars. Create clear content in “what” and “how” posts Every new SEO and user experience guide makes sure to mention Google’s “Direct Response” search feature. Although it has been around for a long time in other countries, in Poland it is something of a novelty. with answers to many problems. These include questions like “how to bake a pie?” or “what is a cabbage?”. If you want the content on your site’s pages to also appear in direct replies, you nee to optimize the content.

They simply get up-to-date information

How The answer is simple: first and foremost, give clear answers. If the problem is step-by-step and requires a solution, serve users with a Laos Email List bullete list. But if you want to explain a concept, include a definition. Simply respond to nees that you want to be helpe. Show content last modifie date No one likes to be cheate. Is there a way to “fool” the visitor with publishe or change dates? Unfortunately yes. Bloggers sometimes (too rarely!) update their posts. This is done primarily to allow Googlebots to notice new content on individual pages and potentially rank them higher.

Country Email List

When the last changes

The users themselves benefit from this, as on specific topics. Posts. are almost always accompanie by publication date information. This is a good practice because it shows the time when the text was create. However, it is even better to include the BR Lists date the record was last update. This allows users to quickly see were made. This way they will know if they are dealing with outdate content or if it has been recently update. About If you update your blog posts and don’t include a last update date, you’re missing out.