Example would be a hair conditioner pair with a shampoo from the same line .Or vitamin C pills when a customer purchases mication for cold symptoms. Can you also use cross-selling in e-merce. Of course. Banners with suggestions for supplementary purchases are usually found on the product card, in the basket or in the summary of the transaction. Still, many online stores do not fully use the elements of cross-selling and lose the opportunity to increase sales.

The Organization’s Values And Audiencecheck

What is up-selling. You are browsing the offer of an electronics store in search of a new laptop. You choose the model that suits your nes and throw the device into the virtual basket. Suddenly your eye is caught by a push notification with a link to a similar model. It turns out that its price is slightly higher, but the processor is more database efficient. You wonder. After all, a laptop that you didn’t consider a moment ago is a bit over your budget. However, you know that buying electronic equipment is an investment for the next few years. So ultimately you choose a puter with better parameters. The above story is an example of successful up-selling. In which a higher quality product was purchas, and thus – at a higher price.


High Morale And Satisfaction

Using this strategy allows you to increase the turnover of the online store without significant risk – if the customer has already decid to buy a given product, in the worst case, he will stick to his basic choice. It is worth remembering that the up-selling technique remains effective when the propos substitute actually represents an approximate value. In order not to discourage the customer, the suggest product should not be more expensive than of the one that the customer chose first. If the user has add a small puter mouse for PLN to the basket, he is unlikely to be interest in buying a fancy BR Lists model dicat to e-sports players for PLN.