So if you’re ready to grow beyond your current network of customers and expand your direct sales business, I’ll take you through the elements of inbound marketing that you can use today to see real results. If you make a committe effort to use the approach that I outline below, you will stand out from your competition. Most direct sellers don’t use all of these practices. They pick the easy one, social meia, and think that blasting promotional images on their Facebook page will bring in the sales. After reading this, you’ll know better and do better. Here we go! How to Attract New Customers to Your Direct Sales Business Using Inbound Marketing Determine Your Ideal Buyer.

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The focus of your marketing should always be on your customer. Not on your product. Focus on serving their nees and adding value to their experience, and you will set yourself apart from the crowd. The first thing you want to do is create a buyer persona Chile Email List profile. in your inbound marketing strategy. representation of your ideal customer is your north star in determining the content and promotion strategy of your direct sales business. Getting crystal clear on your persona is crucial.

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Your buyer persona will determine everything

Ask yourself Who is my ideal customer? Where are they online? What do they nee? Why do they nee it? To help you figure out who your ideal customer is, it’s helpful to think about their daily life, their problems, and their desires. Think about obstacles BR Lists they face in their lives and how your product makes their lives easier. People are motivate by love and status. specifically solve those nees? If you use that in your messaging, people will be compelle to use your products and join your team. Here are some examples: My ideal buyer hates to cook. But she loves her family.