The email header is often overlooked, but it’s actually one of the most important parts of an email. The header is what recipients see first, and it can make or break the chances of your email getting opened. Here are 7 secrets to writing email headers that get results: keep it short and sweet. The ideal email header is 50 characters or less. This will ensure that your header is visible on all devices, including mobile phones. Use clear and concise language. Your header should be easy to understand and scannable. Avoid using jargon or technical terms that your recipients may not understand. Use action words. Words like “free,” “new,” and “save” can help to increase open rates. Personalize your headers. Addressing your recipients by name is a great way to get their attention.

You can also use their company name or industry if you know it

Use relevant keywords. If you’re sending an email about a specific product or service, be sure to include relevant keywords in the header. This will help your email get found in search results. Use a strong subject line. The subject line is just as important as the header, so make sure it’s clear, concise, and attention-grabbing. Test your headers. The best way to know if your headers are working is to test them. Send Shadow and Reflection out a few emails with different headers and track the results. This will help you to determine which headers are most effective at getting opens. Following these secrets will help you to write email headers that get results. By keeping your headers short, clear, and concise, and using action words, personalization, relevant keywords, and a strong subject line, you can increase the chances of your emails getting opene. Here are some additional tips for writing effective email headers: use a clear and consistent message throughout your email. The header should be a preview of the content of the email, so make sure they match.

Shadow and Reflection

Use a call to action

Tell your recipients what you want them to do, whether it’s opening the email, clicking a link, or making a purchase. Use a preview text. This is the text that appears below the header in some email clients. Use it to provide additional information about your email, such as the subject line or a brief summary of the content. Use a consistent font and color. This will BR Lists help to make your emails look professional and polished. Proofread your headers carefully before sending them out. Typos and grammatical errors will make your emails look unprofessional and could damage your sender reputation. By following these tips, you can write email headers that are effective and get results. Do you have any other questions about email header writing?