Business on the Internet” means a business that is fully operational on the Internet and the entire sales cycle takes place there. “Business on the Internet” can be calle, for example, a payment system or an online hotel reservation service. The website of a company that provides legal services is not allowe, this is a website. “Business on the Internet” can be calle a legal company that provides advice and support online. Now that we have dealt with the “stuff” – let’s move on to more specific things and find out how to market products on the Internet. Marketing of products on the Internet Marketing products on the Internet is fundamentally different from marketing services. The reasons for this are simple: online payment and delivery of goods.
The inventory accounting process
That is modern technology allows us to organize business processes in such a way that the user can purchase goods without leaving the browser, without any contact with the company’s offline departments. For this, online stores are create. This allows you to achieve several business goals at the same time: Optimization of the sales Grenada Email List department. (as a last resort, replace it with a call center for outsourcing or reuce to a minimum – several people to confirm orders, depending on their number). Additional sales channel. (for many offline entrepreneurs, marketing goods on the Internet is quickly becoming a sales channel that generates 30-50% of profits in the first two years). Diversification of sources of income (against the background of, we can clearly see this. Those who only had “offline” – suffere losses and those.
Which also quite simplifies
Who had their business online – survive the crisis much easier) Automation of business processes (with online payment settings, connection of delivery BR Lists modules – you can automatically transfer all information to internal accounting tools, for example CRM /1C , and the purchasing process). Loyalty program, customer return (offline, the process of returning goods to a customer is difficult, online – just create a personal account, collect user data and use Internet marketing tools return customers for new purchases, offer discounts and bonuses, notify about new promotions.