It is impossible to say for sure without testing. But we advise our customers and partners to be guide by the fact that out of 100 users who have clicke on your website through advertising, only one will buy a product or leave an inquiry. Accordingly, the formula for calculating the cost to a client for each key request is as follows: Cost per click * 100 = Approximate cost of the result (client / buyer). For example advice. We are happy to answer all your questions 🙂 WHAT IS A “SITE TEMPLATE”? Everyone who now reads this publication at least with the ege of the ear surely heard that sites can stereotype. But not everyone understands exactly what is behind the phrase “template” and what the difference is.

Website on a ready-made platform

Today we will tell you everything 🙂 A template is a ready-made (CMS). All you have to do with it is “plug it in” and everything will work. Templates are usually found on platforms such as Worpress (business card sites) or OpenCart (online stores)., but Tonga Email List we do not want to “load” you with unnecessary information. The above platforms are the most common in CIS. 2478 2 ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES OF A WEBSITE TEMPLATE: First, let’s talk about the benefits of a template website: – You don’t have to think about the design: you get a ready-made one.

Country Email List

There are many such platforms

Where you can make minimal adjustments. – The website on the template will be ready in 1-2 days. All that remains is to upload texts and BR Lists photos. – is up to $500. Although of course it depends on the template. This is probably the end of the advantages, let’s move on to the disadvantages: – If in the future you want to change “that” or “this” or “Both together” – it will cost you dearly.