Thus this type of website is worth. Choosing if you have already decide on. The campaign and you have a specifically formulate proposal that you nee to focus on. Landing pages are also often made for special seasonal offers or promotions. What is a business card website? A business card website is a type of website, usually with the following structure: – Home – About us – Services (or other product) – Contacts From the structure above. It is clear that in fact it is just. A business card with the difference that it is on the Internet and not in your pocket. And to share it you just nee to send a link.

That information about company

That’s basically what a business card site is for – so is on at any time, so that an intereste person can find your company and contact. By the way ” find “- business cards are markete quite poorly on the Internet for SEO, but this does not negate the fact Tuvalu Email List that they can and should be at the top for branding (company name) issues. If yours isn’t, it’s time to contact us. In addition, business cards can be made to sell and convert or combine a landing page and a business card page, creating a long, selling main page and complementing it with sub-pages in a hidden menu. What is a business website.

Country Email List

A business card in terms of functionality

A business functional website does not differ from – the ability to submit an application and see information about the company on the BR Lists Internet. The main difference is that it is larger, more voluminous. So, for example, in comparison to a business card, the structure of a company website can look like this: – Home – About us – Services (Or another product) – Service (Or another product.