Accordingly we therefore decide to remove the sidebar from a post and leave it on the rest of the blog pages. Test your sidebar and see if on the site increases if it is remove. 3. Use photos I’m a big fan of adding photos to posts, but you have to be careful about this and add them correctly Good selection of images has a positive effect on the time users spend reading the message. Even if you don’t choose particularly eye-catching photos, line spacing will have a decisive impact on your readers’ time on your website.

A citation and a research source

How do you choose photos for the contest? (a) use the appropriate image type First, any photo is better than no photo, so beat the text. However, there is a fundamental difference between these types of images. If you browse the top blogs in your Solomon Islands Email List niche, most of them will have photos in the form of color images, charts, infographics, and stock photos. Some of these images are not realistic. In this regard, someone must create them in modern graphics programs. Do you have enough time and budget to create such images? Probably not. Graphs.

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A few seconds to understand

They can be create very easily and you can add to each diagram. The diagrams are not only interesting, but also make the reader take what is at BR Lists stake. Image banks? I don’t recommend using regular stock photos, but if you have no choice, I suggest you read this post, which contains 22 free photo sites. (b) use the appropriate number of photos Imagine using a photo for a 5,000 word post. It might help to some extent, but I don’t think much. On the other hand. Imagine a post with 1000 words and 100 images – it will be unreadable.