Even if the client is already bore halfway, it becomes harder for him to leave your website because he has already complete so many steps that it does not make sense for him to look for an alternative. Make page loading faster We all know this – on a computer, pages open within a reasonable amount of time, but on phones and other mobile devices, this sometimes takes forever. One advantage of a simple design is that it usually doesn’t nee a thousand JavaScript files to provide you with content and some options. Here’s why every second counts in the age of mobile devices. And each extra increases the so-calle bounce rate, which determines a few seconds after entering.

Which aspects of your website

Therefore, if you will be able to spee up the loading time of your website, the aforementione bounce rate will also definitely improve, at least on mobile devices. How do you do that? Just get rid of unnecessary images, plugins, extensions and optimize Eritrea Email List already adde graphics. It’s also worth running a Google PageSpee ​​​​Insights test to see still nee improvement. Fewer problems and bugs Sorry, but you should assume from the start that your website will have some problems and bugs. This is inevitable. But on a simple and understandable site there will be much less of them than on a complex one. The main thing is that you can quickly fix errors that have occurre.

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Makes charging faster overall

Just like that, a simple design facilitates, among other things: Find errors in language, grammar, etc. Find design flaws on mobile devices. Maintain BR Lists security. Remember that user errors are bound to have a negative impact on the final conversion rate. Therefore, if your website (especially base on WordPress) is “cluttere” with various unnecessary plugins, you must also remember that any (even the smallest) update can break the entire website.