That’s one of the reasons home parties work so well in direct sales. We like to hear from others who have use the product. If the party hostess loves the product enough to invite people into her home to buy it, that’s the first step in knowing it’s worth checking out. In online marketing, reviews and testimonials are even more important. If we’re purchasing something sight unseen, we want to know that others use it and love it. Testimonials are also powerful because we want to have things that other people have and love. We often purchase so that we can be “on trend.” Include reviews and testimonials on your website, social meia accounts, and your Facebook group.

Then highlight customers

Give people an easy way to review your product. who have given you glowing testimonials. It provides social proof that the products are amazing, leading to more sales. Customers love to get a shout-out on social meia. Make customer spotlights a regular part of your social meia strategy. You will get even more reviews and testimonials because your Costa Rica Email List customers will want to be the next ones in the spotlight.. Highlight your team members as they grow their businesses. People love praise recognition and will often work harder for it than for money. Be their biggest cheerleader and make sure they know you are grateful for them. Video Use video in your direct sales business.

Country Email List

It gives your customers a way

It’s so easy and nothing can help you build a relationship with your customers as fast. All you nee is your computer or cell phone, and you can go live on your social channels. to put a face and a voice to the name and really humanizes your business. Use BR Lists video to build your business in the following ways: Use Facebook Live in your group and on your business page. Repurpose those videos on your blog and in your email marketing. Set up a YouTube channel and post helpful how-to videos about your product and about how to build your business.