Does the program allow the instructor to view the screens of course participants? No, but it is possible to verify the progress of students ( test results). See a brief overview of the Gomo Learning Suite interface and capabilities > 10. EasyGenerator Easygenerator is a cloud-base software tool for creating online training. As the name suggests – Easygenerator is intuitive and easy to use . It also allows quick import from PowerPoint .. However, people who care about something more will complain about the limite possibilities of designing e-learning materials. It is certainly far from such advance tools as Adobe Captivate or Articulate Storytell. The disadvantage is also the organically export possibilities.

Operating system that supports

The price of an annual subscription is from about 1000 to 5000 euros ! However, it is possible to use a monthly subscription. See what EasyGenerator can do > 11. Moody Moodle is a software use to create e-learning content – presentations, online courses Dubai Email List and training, etc. Access to the Moodle platform is free of charge , and its main goal is to popularize e-learning systems and facilitate the work of teachers, lecturers and private companies. Any PHP allows you to use Moodle. Moodle works without any problems on the following systems: Mac OS X, Windows, Linux, etc. It is one of the most popular tools for remote learning – it is use by schools.

Country Email List

Perfect for a simple course or online training

Companies and universities. The disadvantage of Moodle, however, is that the platform does not guarantee the security of store data. Server security is an additional fee. Price – free Does the program allow the instructor to view? No, but students BR Lists can send the effects of their work to the lecturer. See examples of working with Moodle > 12. ClickMeeting ClickMeeting is a modern platform for creating videoconferences and popular and recently desire webinars. The great advantage of ClickMeeting is its wide availability.