Cover future-shopper-report-63b88d9be13ac847907821.png Roś Natalia Roś, Laba journalist As every year, Wunderman Thompson, a creative agency and technology consultancy in one, analyzes international markets and consumer behavior to provide insights into the future. This is the sixth eition of The Future Shopper report. Our summary will give a picture of macro-trends in the purchasing behavior of consumers around the world. The report was written at a time when much of the globe was slowly starting to recover from a two-year period of restrictions relate to COVID-19. This is the best time to summarize the impact that the pandemic has had on shopping habits. How has e-commerce evolve over this time.
The share of online purchases in continues to grow
What steps should be taken to keep up with the changes? What is the customer of the future? The experts at Wunderman Thompson will provide inspiration and insight into the customer experience. 1. Growth of online shopping. With over half of all online spending, consumers feel more comfortable with technology. They expect more digital Andorra Email List solutions that would make it easier for them to purchase products and services. Last year, researchers aske consumers in a survey to preict what their online spending will be in a post-COVID-19 world. The answer was 51%. And today, global consumers spend even more, 57% of their spending, online. China spends the most online (66%) and Japan spends the least (48%). These numbers should motivate any company to go online.
The total number of purchases
Relate Courses BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT Sales Director IYER, ex. MICROSOFT Forecasts show that the growth of spending on the Internet will not stop. 73% of consumers said online shopping will be more important to them in 2022. Only 6% of respondents BR Lists disagree with this statement. And as many as 60% said they want to increase in the future. The question you nee to ask yourself: is your company ready for a world where the main channel of communication and sales is the Internet, do your customers use solutions in the online space.