It doesn’t make you wait forever to move from one subpage to the next and loads all elements instantly. All you nee to do is choose the right host (along with the right plan) and spend a few hours optimizing your site to see results right away. 9. Focus on scrolling, not clicking. In the third paragraph I mentione that there is currently betting on vertical navigation. the view with the mouse. This activity comes very naturally to us, as our finger is almost always on the scroll wheel. Also, our patience is running low all the time. We surf the Internet quickly and only occasionally catch a glimpse of individual pages or elements.

The effect they are intense to convey

Therefore websites must be optimize so that vertical navigation is natural. 10. No stock photos I know from experience that it is easy to organize a decent photo shoot (with a professional who knows how to do it, and in places well suite for photography). In theory, such an undertaking sometimes seems complicate, but it is enough to find some Suriname Email List recommendations, make a few phone calls and that’s it. The results of such corporate photography are much better than using ready-made stock photos. The downside of stock photos is that they are simply idealize and therefore artificial.

Country Email List

The backgrounds are clearly

People pose unnaturally, smile too perfectly and chosen by force. “manufacture amateurism” (but in a good way) comes at a price. They BR Lists convey, but do not impose this false, idealize narrative. Is it really that important to have a user-friendly website? It goes without saying. The main task of any website is not only to generate traffic, but also to ensure that those who visit it stay there as long as possible.