It seems complicate, doesn’t it? How to keep a user on your site for more than 5 seconds? 562 149 Today I will answer three main questions: How to keep a user on the site longer? Why do most users leave my site within the first five seconds? What are the best ways to keep a user on the site for a longer period of time and thus influence for conversion? 1. Optimize website loading spee If your website takes more than 4-5 seconds to load, unfortunately you lose . a significant portion of your potential customers. Various studies and statistics show that internet users leave websites faster.

An article about a user-friendly

That take longer than 3 seconds to load. According to Amazon, one second lost in page loading equates to nearly $1.6 billion in lost sales. In this regard, I refer you to our guide to reucing website load time for more information. 2 Make a good first impression Philippines Email List They say: “The first impression is the last impression.” This phrase is absolutely true when it comes to business websites. It is very rare that simply ugly sites have a chance to succee. After the five-second rule has passe, it’s important to make a good first impression. I’m just guessing that your site has “something similar.

Country Email List

Attract attention without confusing

Most often, this is an attractive design combine with an appropriate combination of colors, images and photographs. The most important thing is to users. Don’t be afraid to experiment with your website until you achieve the desire, memorable and BR Lists unique effect. . 3. Smartly plan the space that the user sees immeiately when they enter According to various statistics, website users spend almost 80% of their time spent browsing content and the space they see immeiately after visiting the website.