Social proof, or social proof, is designe to convince others that you should trust them. The most basic form of social proof is feeback on your work. who are satisfie with the level of services you provide. Get from a few to a dozen such testimonials (preferably with photographs of people) and then place them on individual projects. Potential clients will view you much more positively if they see that the people who are happy to work with you are real. After all, you can talk about yourself for hours and still no one will be intereste. Of course, it’s better when a stranger talks about you. 6. Use high quality images.

The impression potential stakeholders

If you are going to present your work, you nee to do it in the best way possible. So don’t let little things like low-quality graphics limit have from Nicaragua Email List exploring your design. High-resolution, high-quality images, interesting frames, highlighting important details – these are things to consider when collecting designs for your own portfolio on the site. 7. Create intuitive and responsive navigation. Almost every visitor who looks at your portfolio (and does not leave immeiately), will want to look not only at the project he has chosen, but also at several others. Therefore, you must make sure to make it easy to browse different works.

Country Email List

The current position

Provide subsites with various navigation elements (for example, arrows to move between projects, and also indicators in the form of points to BR Lists show in the so-calle carousels) to facilitate the visitor. And don’t forget to filter projects properly, because not everyone will want to read every type of work. Some users will be intereste in, for example, logos, while others will only pay attention to web design.