Tool, Ubersuggest, and Bing’s Keyword Tool, you will have plenty of data to work with. Of course, you shouldn’t forsake the market research of the equation. You and/or your client can survey their customers to discover how exactly they describe your business, your services/products or your geographic area. For example, you’ll learn if there are any geographical nuances that you should be aware of, such as: DFW (Dallas/Fort Worth) PDX (Portland) OBX (Outer Banks) Use this data against keyword research tools. If you’re running AdWords, you can get an accurate idea of search volumes. To do that, click the Campaign tab, followed by the Keywords tab, then Details and then Search Terms. This data can be downloaded. The video below shows how you can get accurate search volume data if running .
Keep in mind that the quality
Of data using this method depends on your use of keyword matching options. This practically means that if you want to get exact match search volumes for a certain number of keywords, you have to make sure to have those keywords set as exact match. If you’re not running AdWords, Google gives you a chance to get a good representation of your local search market using the Keyword Planning Tool as described in this post. Content And Site Architecture Largely, your India Phone Number List content will depend on your business objectives, brand and the results of your keyword research. The time of local brochure type sites has long passed, at least for businesses that are serious about local Internet marketing. Local websites are no different from corporate websites when it comes.
To technical aspects of SEO
Performance and crawlability are very important, as well as proper optimization of titles, headings, body text etc. However, unlike corporate websites, local sites will have more benefit from: “localization” of testimonials – it’s not only important to get testimonials, but it’s crucial to make sure that your visitors know where those testimonials came from. “localization” of galleries, as well as “before and after” photos – similar to testimonials, you can leverage social proof the most if BRLists your website visitors can see how your services/products helped their neighbours. location pages – pages about a specific city/town where you or your client have an office or service area. Before you go on a rampage creating hundreds of these pages, don’t forget that they need to add value to the users.