Com the page disclaims that it is not endors by Google the page embs a Google search box the page strips out the Yahoo Directory search box the page strips out the Yahoo! Directory PPC ads (on the categories which have them) the page strips out the Yahoo! Directory logo Recall that when Google ran their bogus st operation on B, Google engineers suggest that B was below board for us user clickstreams to potentially influence their search results. That level of outrage & the smear PR campaign look ridiculous when compar against Google’s behavior toward the Yahoo! Directory, which is orders of magnitude worse: B vs Google Google vs Yahoo! Directory itorial Uses user-experience across a wide range of search engines to potentially impact a limit number of search queries.

Shags expensive hand-creat itorial

Content wholesale & hosts it on host B hosts B search results us B snippets. Google hosts Yahoo! Directory results us Yahoo! Directory list content & keeps all the user data. attribution B publicly claim for years to be us a user-driven search signal bas on query streams. Google removes the Yahoo! Directory logo to format Colombia Phone Number List the page. Does Google remove the Google logo from when formatt for mobile? Nope. ads B sells their own ads & is not scrap Google content wholesale. Google scrapes Yahoo! Directory content wholesale & strips out the sidebar CPC ads. search box B puts their own search box on their own website. Google puts their own search box on the content of the Yahoo! Directory.

User behavior Google claim that

Phone Number List

B was us their data when track end user behavior. Google hosts the Yahoo! Directory page, allow themselves to fully track user behavior, while robb Yahoo! of the opportunity to even see their own data with how users interact with their own lists. In the above case the publisher absorbs 100% of the itorial cost & Google absorbs nearly 100% of the BRLists benefit (while disclaim they do not endorse the page they host. Wrap in their own search ad, and track user behavior on). As we move into a search. Market where the search engines give you a slightly larger list for mark up your pages. With rich snippets, you will see a short term 10% or 20% lift in traffic follow by a 50% or more decline when Google enters your market with instant answers.

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